Design Sculptures

Contemporary sculpture focuses on creations conceived to please our eyes, to add a personal touch to our home and to demonstrate that tradition, cutting-edge and design can go hand in hand. Unique works signed by celebrated artists.
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Panther Figurine. Metallic red in Lladró
Bull Sculpture. Metallic red in Lladró
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Dragon Sculpture. Limited Edition in Lladró
Panther Figurine. Blue matte in Lladró
Elephant (blue) Sculpture in Lladró
Elephant Sculpture. Black matte in Lladró
Bull Sculpture. Black matte in Lladró
Eternal Fluidity - Thinker Sculpture in Lladró
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Eternal Fluidity - Female Sculpture in Lladró
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Eternal Fluidity - Male Sculpture in Lladró
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Rhino - Underwater Sculpture in Lladró
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Mummy bear and babies - Underwater Sculpture in Lladró
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Items 113-124 of 124